5 cleaning jobs best left to the professionals
Cleaning is often overlooked, especially within start-ups or small businesses, and some business owners even think that they, or one of their employees, can keep on top of the cleaning themselves. Whilst washing up, emptying the bins and even a spot of vacuuming might not seem like rocket science, this in itself is not a […]
5 ways to save electricity at work
Where we get our energy from and how it is being used is becoming an ever more important topic, both on an organisational level with the introduction of the Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) last year and internationally – take the political storm surrounding the proposed new nuclear power station at Hinkley Point. The Carbon […]
How often should I get my office carpets cleaned?
Knowing when the carpets in your office need cleaning can vary depending on the traffic that they face, as well as the material that they are made from, but your cleaning contractor should have that under control. If you are concerned that your office carpets are being neglected, here is a guide to how often and what […]
Improve your office’s recycling rates
In the UK, we are reasonably good at recycling these days. There is of course more that can be done, but all local councils provide a recycling service and, since 1st January 2015, all UK businesses are now required to separate recyclable material from other waste. But, if you are honest with yourself, are you […]
Effective pest control – Rats
Rats have been a pest problem since the dawn of civilisation due to the fact that they thrive off human activity. There are an estimated 10 million rats in Britain and they are a particularly common problem in large cities. Britain has two species of rat, although in reality, most rat infestations are likely to […]
How good cleanliness can improve a school’s Ofsted report
An upcoming Ofsted inspection can strike fear into the hearts of even the best run schools. They can make or break a school’s reputation and it is therefore vital to make a great impression and demonstrate all the strengths and effort invested in providing a safe and secure learning environment. Even if a school takes […]
5 things to consider when appointing a cleaning contractor
Appointing a cleaning contractor is no mean feat. We know as well as anyone that the cleaning market is crowded with many players, some good, some not so good. Low barriers of entry make it easy for anyone to set up a website and start a cleaning business, but as with most things, to do […]
How can the cleaning sector help to address the UK’s worsening productivity rating?
In February 2016, it emerged that the UK is suffering from the lowest rates of productivity growth on record. Output per hour for UK workers is 18 percentage points below the average of the rest of the G7 group of nations and has widened since the global crash. Whilst there are a multitude of factors […]
5 ways to prevent hay fever and other allergies
Believe it or not, it is now officially spring. And if you are one of the estimated 10 million people in England that suffers from hay fever, you know that Spring brings with it the unmistakeable symptoms of Hay fever: itchy eyes, and fits of sneezing. Hay fever is caused by an allergic reaction to […]
How the new National Living Wage will affect the cleaning industry
In July 2015, George Osborne, the Chancellor of Exchequer, outlined details of what he called the National Living Wage. Not to be confused with the Living Wage as independently set by the Living Wage Foundation, the National Living Wage effectively replaces the Minimum Wage. In April 2016, all workers in the UK over the age […]