In the UK, we are reasonably good at recycling these days. There is of course more that can be done, but all local councils provide a recycling service and, since 1st January 2015, all UK businesses are now required to separate recyclable material from other waste.
But, if you are honest with yourself, are you as diligent at recycling your waste whilst at work as when you are at home?
A well known phenomenon known as diffusion of responsibility “a sociopsychological phenomenon whereby a person is less likely to take responsibility for action or inaction when others are present”, can actually lead to people taking less responsibility for their actions outside the home, and this includes recycling in the workplace.
Every year, in the UK alone, we use 12.5 million tonnes of paper and cardboard. With businesses accounting for a large proportion of this consumption, it is our responsibility to look at ways to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Reduce, Reuse, recycle
- Reduce – The most effective way to reduce the amount of waste we produce is to reduce our consumption. Paperless offices, reduced packaging, biodegradable products, careful stock control and conservative usage will all help to reduce waste and save money.
- Reuse – Many things can easily be reused in the office. Avoiding disposable goods, such as plastic cups, maintaining equipment and furniture to ensure extended lifespans and printing double-sided will all ensure that resources are used to their maximum potential.
- Recycle – Once an item has reached the end of its operational lifespan, instead of sending it to landfill, explore ways in which it can be recycled. More and more materials can be recycled these days and if you require advice on recycling options, we can point you in the right direction.
A socially and environmentally responsible company
As a leading contract cleaning company for Bristol, Bath and the South West, we recognise the impact that our activities could potentially have on the environment, our staff and the occupants of the buildings that we clean.
To mitigate the impact of our business, and our customers businesses, on the environment, we employ the following measures:
- The use of modern energy efficient and waterless cleaning technologies
- Advice on waste management and recycling management services
- Careful stock control and distribution to reduce waste and delivery mileage
- Provide a comprehensive set of cleaning and soft FM services to extend the lifespan of our clients’ buildings.
For more ideas on how to increase your offices recycling activities, or for information on how we can help to preserve the fabric of your office, please contact us on 0800 4488026.