The 5 most legendary hotel room wreckers of all time.

From throwing television sets out of windows to blowing up toilets, we all like to hear stories of legendary rock and roll hotel room trashings. Everyone that is except hotel owners and cleaners. Although we clearly do not condone this type of behaviour, we’ve decided to indulge our rebellious side and revisit some of the […]

Does Cold Weather Make You Sick?

Each winter we hear warnings that the NHS is once again in crisis and illnesses definitely seem to be more common in the winter months, but what causes this seasonal phenomenon, and is the cold weather responsible? Whilst exposure to the cold can directly lead to certain conditions, such as hypothermia – a potentially life-threatening […]

When to clean, sanitise and sterilise?

Ask most people, and they will have a good idea of what it means to clean something (although some people’s idea of cleaning leaves a lot to be desired), but how many people understand the difference between sanitising and sterilising, and when best to use the different methods. Cleaning In the vast majority of day-to-day […]

Merry Christmas from CCS – 2016 at a glance

We would like to wish all our customers, staff and suppliers a very merry Christmas, and thank you for your contribution in making 2016 a successful year for CCS. Over the course of the last 12 months, we have welcomed new members of staff, added several prestigious new contracts to our portfolio and been involved […]

Essential Winter Maintenance Pt2 – Prevention checklist

Ensuring the safe and uninterrupted use of your facilities over the winter months requires a lot of preventative planning. This Essential Winter Maintenance Checklist is intended as a simple reminder of what problems you may face as a facilities manager this winter and how to prevent them.

Essential winter maintenance – National Gutters Day

The highlight of the FM calendar, National Maintenance Week takes place from 18th November to 25th November, culminating with the glamorously titled National Gutters Day on Friday 25th November. All joking aside, it is that time of year when some essential maintenance work needs to be undertaken. Damp can be a serious problem for FMs […]

A brief history of… the vacuum cleaner

The humble vacuum cleaner may not be the most glamorous product ever invented, but it is an essential cleaning tool and everyone now owns one. Contrary to what you might expect, it was not William Henry Hoover, the brand name that has become synonymous with vacuum cleaners, that invented the technology, but an English man […]

Global hand washing day – The importance of good hand hygiene

October 15th 2016 was Global Hand washing Day, “a global advocacy day dedicated to increasing awareness and understanding about the importance of hand washing with soap as an effective and affordable way to prevent diseases and save lives” Although the campaign is primarily aimed at other parts of the world where public sanitation is less […]

5 steps to avoid people getting SAD in your office this winter

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression is a type of depression linked to the seasons. More apparent in the winter months, sufferers start to feel lethargic, irritable and depressed around this time of year and it can last until Spring. The exact cause of SAD is not fully understood, but it is […]

Changing cleaning contractor – What is TUPE?

TUPE – Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations’ is a legal framework, within UK law, which is designed to protect the rights of workers when their employment is transferred to another contractor. Within the cleaning industry, transferring staff under TUPE occurs commonly when a cleaning contract is outsourced or transferred to a new contractor. […]