Rats have been a pest problem since the dawn of civilisation due to the fact that they thrive off human activity. There are an estimated 10 million rats in Britain and they are a particularly common problem in large cities.
Britain has two species of rat, although in reality, most rat infestations are likely to be the Brown Rat. Living for up to 18 months in the wild, a single couple are capable of producing a colony of 2000.
Rats are considered a pest for 2 main reasons. Firstly, they carry diseases such as Weil’s disease which is potentially fatal to humans and secondly, they can cause damage to buildings and wiring which is the most extreme cases can cause fires.
How to prevent a rat infestation
The most effective way of preventing a rat infestation is to remove their food and shelter. Keeping outside areas clean and tidy, keeping bins and compost heaps closed, and blocking up areas of likely nesting sites (such as drains and piles of debris).
Rats will eat a wide range of food types and can live and breed in a wide variety of environments which include roof spaces, basements, gardens and sewers. If there is food and shelter, they will thrive.
Under the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949, property owners have a legal obligation to keep premises rodent free, or, if rodents pose a threat to health or property, to report infestations to the local authority.
How to deal with Rats:
Although you can purchase rat traps and poisons from hardware stores, we would always recommend employing the services of a professional pest control contractor when dealing with any pest infestation.
A trained professional will have access to a wider range of rodenticides which are not available to the public. Rat poisons are also often harmful to other species (including humans) and must be handled with care, as do the rats themselves once they have been captured.
So if you have an issue with rats or any other pests, contact us on