School Cleaning Service
School Cleaning Service For many, the summer holidays hail a much-needed break from the hustle and bustle of the school schedule. As establishments bursting with imagination and potential, schools are some of society’s most important establishments. A child’s time at school can influence the rest of their life and it is the responsibility of those […]
Office Environments Cleaned for COVID-19

Office Environments Cleaned for COVID-19 by CCS Cleaning and with соnсеrnѕ аbоut, the соrоnаvіruѕ COVID-19 rising, office environments where lots of people work are becoming potential breeding grounds for bacteria and viruses and while many companies are now concerned about the spread of infections there are calls for better cleanliness throughout office environments as they […]
Should you let your staff work from home?
Remote working, or working from home, is all the rage. There are clear benefits to the employee, but If you are thinking about introducing remote working to your business then you need to consider a few things. There are several important pros and cons to allowing your staff to work from home, so let’s look at some of the […]
Changing cleaning contractor – What is TUPE?
TUPE – Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations’ is a legal framework, within UK law, which is designed to protect the rights of workers when their employment is transferred to another contractor. Within the cleaning industry, transferring staff under TUPE occurs commonly when a cleaning contract is outsourced or transferred to a new contractor. […]
5 ways to save electricity at work
Where we get our energy from and how it is being used is becoming an ever more important topic, both on an organisational level with the introduction of the Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) last year and internationally – take the political storm surrounding the proposed new nuclear power station at Hinkley Point. The Carbon […]
How often should I get my office carpets cleaned?
Knowing when the carpets in your office need cleaning can vary depending on the traffic that they face, as well as the material that they are made from, but your cleaning contractor should have that under control. If you are concerned that your office carpets are being neglected, here is a guide to how often and what […]
Improve your office’s recycling rates
In the UK, we are reasonably good at recycling these days. There is of course more that can be done, but all local councils provide a recycling service and, since 1st January 2015, all UK businesses are now required to separate recyclable material from other waste. But, if you are honest with yourself, are you […]