A Guide to Maintaining a Healthy Office Pt. 1

Maintaining a healthy and happy office is good for business. Healthy staff leads to lower absenteeism, improved productivity, increased morale and better staff retention; all of which will have a positive impact on your balance sheet. Short-term sickness is the most common cause of absence. In this, the first in a series of blog posts […]

5 Ways To Help Improve Indoor Air Quality and Reduce Allergies

improve indoor air quality office

The Importance Of Good Air Quality For the estimated 10 million people in England that suffers from hay fever, pollen is a constant enemy throughout the summer months. Not content with ruining picnics and summer walks, pollen also infiltrates our homes and offices, causing misery indoors too. Poor indoor air quality can trigger a host […]

Tackling Germs: Your Mobile Phone

Did you know, the average person touches their mobile phone 85 times a day? They have become ubiquitous in modern life and we use them for an increasing number of activities:  from setting your morning alarm to checking emails and booking taxis, they rarely leave our side (even in the bathroom). It should not come […]

What’s Lurking In Your Work Fridge?

We’ve all done it. In an attempt to be healthier, or perhaps to save some money, brought our own lunch to work, or bought ingredients from the supermarket to make something in our lunch break, and forgotten about it, left in the fridge to rot. Now, I don’t know about you, but I manage to […]

Time For a Spring Clean?

I don’t know about you, but here at CCS, we’ve started seeing the first signs of spring recently. It’s no longer dark when I leave the office, the grass is in need of it’s first cut of the year and the clocks go forward next weekend! All this can mean only one thing, time for […]

The Best Way to Clean a Commercial Kitchen

Commercial kitchens are a unique environment. A combination of intensive use, heat, steam , smoke and the need for consistently high standard of cleanliness means that commercial kitchens require a specialist cleaning regime. Dirt, bacteria and grease can accumulate fast in a commercial kitchen and, if not cleaned properly and regularly, can lead to illnesses […]

The 5 most legendary hotel room wreckers of all time.

From throwing television sets out of windows to blowing up toilets, we all like to hear stories of legendary rock and roll hotel room trashings. Everyone that is except hotel owners and cleaners. Although we clearly do not condone this type of behaviour, we’ve decided to indulge our rebellious side and revisit some of the […]

Does Cold Weather Make You Sick?

Each winter we hear warnings that the NHS is once again in crisis and illnesses definitely seem to be more common in the winter months, but what causes this seasonal phenomenon, and is the cold weather responsible? Whilst exposure to the cold can directly lead to certain conditions, such as hypothermia – a potentially life-threatening […]

When to clean, sanitise and sterilise?

Ask most people, and they will have a good idea of what it means to clean something (although some people’s idea of cleaning leaves a lot to be desired), but how many people understand the difference between sanitising and sterilising, and when best to use the different methods. Cleaning In the vast majority of day-to-day […]

Merry Christmas from CCS – 2016 at a glance

We would like to wish all our customers, staff and suppliers a very merry Christmas, and thank you for your contribution in making 2016 a successful year for CCS. Over the course of the last 12 months, we have welcomed new members of staff, added several prestigious new contracts to our portfolio and been involved […]