School Cleaning Service
School Cleaning Service For many, the summer holidays hail a much-needed break from the hustle and bustle of the school schedule. As establishments bursting with imagination and potential, schools are some of society’s most important establishments. A child’s time at school can influence the rest of their life and it is the responsibility of those […]
Does your office make the right first impression?
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] How To Make The Right First Impression With Your Office Space First impressions count, as they say, and for most offices, your reception area is the first point of contact for visiting customers, new employees and other visitors. Most of us pass judgement in just 7 seconds of meeting. In fact, some research suggests […]
Sustainability Tips For The Office
How To Make Your Office Greener The impact your company’s operations have on the environment varies depending on the size and industry. However, even on a micro-scale, there are plenty of ways you can make your office space greener.
Improve your productivity with these 5 handy Chrome extensions
According to a recent study from Hootsuite and We Are Social, we’re spending on average 6 hours and 42 minutes online each day, and Google Chrome has quickly become the web browser of choice for most of us with 3 out of every 5 PCs running Chrome. With so much of our lives spent online, […]
Make your office a calmer workplace in 5 easy steps
How To Make Your Office A Calmer Workplace Depending on what your company does, you might find a bit of background noise inevitable, perhaps even welcome. But for some, the common open-plan office acts as a big distraction. If you find yourself struggling to concentrate and get things done at work, perhaps you would benefit […]
Is it time to change your office cleaning provider?
How clean is your office right now? Are yesterday’s coffee stains still visible on desks? When did you last meet your contract manager? If standards have started to slip, it may be time to start looking for a new cleaning provider. It may just be a few small things playing on your mind, or it […]
The Changing Face Of Office Design
Why A Good Office Design Is Key We all expect more from our workplace than previous generations, and employers and office designers are definitely upping their game. But one generation appears to be particularly sensitive to the physical and emotional environment in which they work, and that is generation Y- otherwise known as millennials.
How A Clean Office Can Boost Productivity
6 Ways To Supercharge Your Productivity According to a study by the Staples Corporation, 77% said they felt they produced a higher quality of work in a cleaner environment. Ensuring a clean and tidy office will help increase productivity and improve employee focus in the work environment. We are now going to show you six […]
4 Exercises You Can Do At Your Desk
Exercises To Relieve Pain & Stress At Your Desk At CCS we like to think of ourselves as more than just a cleaning company, but as your trusted partner for all your cleaning, hygiene, and general well-being needs. After all, a healthy office is a happy and productive office. Sitting at your desk all day […]
Which Office Layout Is The Best?
Is Your Office Layout Important? There is heated debate as to what type of office layout is the most popular and productive. Open plan office, cubicles, hotdesking or working from home. Everyone has a preference, but which is the most productive and does it really matter? A recent study by Kristine Spure on Trello […]