Should you let your staff work from home?

Remote working, or working from home, is all the rage. There are clear benefits to the employee, but If you are thinking about introducing remote working to your business then you need to consider a few things. There are several important pros and cons to allowing your staff to work from home, so let’s look at some of the […]

6 ways to boost your office productivity

In the UK, most people spend over 40 hours a week at work, yet we have some of the lowest rates of productivity in Europe. So how can we improve our productivity and get more done without working longer hours? Here are 6 ways to boost your office productivity.

What to do if your property floods

Recent extreme global weather events remind us of the destructive power that nature can wreak. Whilst hurricanes are thankfully extremely rare in the UK, we do suffer from flooding. Whether you believe in climate change or not, these extreme weather events seem to becoming more frequent.

5 Ways to make your office more Zen

If you sometimes struggle to concentrate at work, or feel that your office is preventing you from being as productive as you can be, here are some handy tips to help transform your place of work into a more tranquil, pleasant and ultimately productive space. According to a recent study, Only 53% of UK and […]

How to avoid the “Back-To-School Plague”

The end of the summer holidays can be a bitter-sweet time for parents. On the one hand, they will soon no longer have a house-full of kids to endlessly entertain but, on the other, supplying their off-spring with everything they need for a new school year can be a costly business. In a survey by […]

A good reason to keep your windows clean

It’s easy to neglect cleaning your windows, especially if they’re at height and difficult to reach, but regular window and glass cleaning will not only brighten the appearance of your office and boost your company’s image, but less window grime allows more natural light in.

A Guide to Maintaining a Healthy Office Pt. 3

The third and final post in our series of blogs on how to maintain a healthy office focuses on some of the trade secrets used by the professionals. From the use of colour coded equipment to prevent cross-contamination to tips on effectively infection control methods, they give you an insight into the practices used by […]

Environment Agency starts issuing fines over ESOS

It may have taken 18 months, but the Environment Agency has started cracking down on organisations that have still not complied with Phase 1 of the ESOS scheme; the deadline for which was originally 5th December 2015, but was extended to 29th January 2016.

Breathe Easy Week, 12-16 June 2017 – How to Improve indoor air quality

This week is the British Lung Foundation’s annual Breathe Easy week, designed to raise awareness of lung conditions and raise money for research into lung disease. Did you know: Poor air quality contributes to up to 40,000 early deaths a year across the UK. Outdoor air quality is monitored and measured nationally by the Department […]

A Guide to Maintaining a Healthy Office Pt. 2

The second part in our series of posts on how to improve the health and well-being of office staff, we look at some more ways to reduce staff sickness and improve office well being – some ideas may seem obvious but are critically important, others are perhaps more novel.