The importance of keeping your office carpets clean

office carpeting cleaning

Can you remember when you last had your office carpets deep cleaned? We’re not talking about a daily or weekly run over with a vacuum cleaner, but a thorough professional deep clean. Regular cleaning will ensure your carpets are not only visibly pristine, but also removed of germs. Professional carpet cleaners will rid your type […]

Reasons to consider switching to a four-day working week

The concept of the four-day working week started in Scandinavia, but now a growing number of UK firms are switching over. The idea of paying your staff for a full week and only expecting them to turn up for four days might seem like madness from a business owner’s perspective, but are there any real benefits […]

Make your office a welcoming place for new members of staff

Recruiting new staff is a minefield. But, once you have found the right person for your business, make sure that your office isn’t letting you down. Employee expectations around their working environment have changed. People want to work somewhere that is clean, comfortable and inspiring. To win and retain the best staff you have to […]

8 Dirty Habits To Banish From Your Office

No one likes to get sick. But as an employer, an outbreak of flu will devastate your company’s productivity in the short terms and, if staff sickness becomes a recurring problem, affect morale and staff retention in the long term. Almost half of UK office staff say that they have fallen ill due to the […]

Mitigating the risks of snow and ice

In the UK, heavy snow and prolonged periods of very cold weather are relatively rare but, as a result, when it does happen, we tend to find ourselves unprepared. As this week’s weather has proven, heavy snow, and black ice can strike anywhere and cause chaos. When this happens, businesses need to be prepared and […]

Hot Desking, The Pros and Cons

A modern office phenomenon, hot desking isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it does offer some clear benefits. Firstly, it can reduce office costs by around 30 per cent and lead to a more efficient work place – but there is some debate about whether it’s good for staff morale. Change is always unsettling and […]

Ways to make your office more environmentally-friendly

It doesn’t matter where you work, or whether you are the boss or a part-time employee, we could all benefit from a more environmentally-friendly workplace. Not just from a global environmental perspective, but also from a safer, cleaner and more appealing personal workspace. The benefits go beyond those of the individual and can have very […]

Moving offices? Here’s the plan

Whoever said moving home is the most stressful things you’ll ever do obviously never had to plan and execute an office relocation. On the surface it may sound straightforward. Find a shiny new office, sign the lease and chuck the desks and computers into the back of a van, right? In reality, carrying out the […]